Sunday, August 22, 2010

From Why we do: Values

Life-Giving Relationships Values (L-GR Values)

Justice concept in the Old Testament could best be translated as "Right-Relations" or even better as "Life-Giving Relationships" (Fuellenbach, 1998). This "Life-Giving Relationships" Values (L-GR Values) can be associated with harmony, wholeness, caring, compassion, reciprocal regard, and mutual valuation of intrinsic worth (Acorn, 2004).

For Fuellenbach (1998), these essential relations extend in four directions: to God, to oneself, to neighbor (both as individual and as part of society) and to creation as a whole. Therefore, to be just means human beings should live in life-giving relationships with their fellow human beings, with themselves, with nature (creation) and ultimately with God.

Curran's relationality-responsibility ethical model sees also the human person in multiple relationships with God, world, neighbor and self, and his personal response in the midst of those relationships (Curran, 1987).

Radford Ruether reinterprets sin (injustice) as a condition where life-giving relationships (of equivalence) are turned into death-dealing relationships (of dominance and subordination) (Wessinger, 1993).

L-GR Values as Aral Pinoy Educational Philosophy

Aral Pinoy upholds these Life-Giving Relationships Values (L-GR Values) as AP's Educational Philosophy. Aral Pinoy dreams of a venue where these values can possibly find an expression. Aral Pinoy sees each learner as truly unique and endowed by God with talents and gifts which should be understood, appreciated and nurtured. Aral Pinoy's goal is not only to assist students in their academic skills to help them develop self-responsibility but also to provide their teachers better access to training and professional development.

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