Aral Pinoy launches its 1st Year of Aral Pinoy Project Baon (School Year 2011-2012) in honor of the Dr. Jose P. Rizal's 150th Birth Anniversary (June 19, 2011) during 113th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Philippine Independence (Araw ng Kasarinlan) (June 12, 2011).
Aral Pinoy Project Baon assured the schooling assistance of the following ten (10) scholars for this school year 2011-2012. They are signing the following documents: the (1) UNDERSTANDING and the (2) RULES of COMMITMENT.
All photos here are courtesy of pARISH sOCIAL aCTION cOMMITTEE (PSAC)

Nielven V. Aranda
Date of birth: 3/6/1995
Age: 16
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school:Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa (KLL)
Level: Tertiary
Average Grade: 80% (Graduated at The Mabini Academy from High School)
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations: Arts and Crafts - Member

Rubilyn G. Laylo
Date of birth: 5/29/1994
Age: 16
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City Batangas
Name of school: Batangas State University
Level: Tertiary
Average Grade: 2.0 or 85–88%
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations:

Marjorie P. Mojares
Date of birth: 2/1/1994
Age: 17
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school: Batangas State University
Level: Tertiary
Average Grade: 84.8%
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations:

Maylen L. Nueva
Date of birth: 5/24/1992
Age: 18 (married)
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school: Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
Level: Tertiary
Average Grade: 2.5 or 80–82%
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations:

Neil Vincent D. Acebuche
Date of birth: 12/21/1998
Age: 12
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school: De La Salle Lipa (working student for free tuition fee, but no allowance)
Level: Secondary
Average Grade: 86.4%
Class Rank: Top 3 of the Graduating Class (First Honorable Mention) First Honor - From Kinder to Grade 5
School Activities / Organizations:
Certificate MTAP fr. Grade 1 to 6
Grade 3-3rd place District Math Rathon
Grade 4-4th place Science Quiz; 2nd place district math rathon
Grade 5-6th place Science Quiz
Grade 6-3rd place Math super quiz bee; 3rd place Math trail district; 1st place Math rail division

Nielven V. Aranda
Date of birth: 3/6/1995
Age: 16
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school:Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa (KLL)
Level: Secondary
Average Grade: 80% (Graduated at The Mabini Academy from High School)
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations: Arts and Crafts - Member

Gienelyn L. De Luna
Date of birth: 4/23/1997
Age: 14
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school: Fernando Air Base National High School
Level: Secondary
Average Grade: 85%
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations:

Gielyn L. De Luna
Date of birth: 4/23/1997
Age: 14
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school: Fernando Air Base National High School
Level: Secondary
Average Grade: 85%
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations:

Vincent Rowell Laylo
Date of birth: 12/28/1998
Age: 12
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school: Fernando Air Base National High School
Level: Secondary
Average Grade: 80%
Class Rank: Most Industrious (Special Award)
School Activities / Organizations:

Jon Derick V. Lozada
Date of birth: 4/10/1999
Age: 12
Address: San Vicente, Lipa City, Batangas
Name of school: Lipa City National High School (Public School)
Level: Secondary
Average Grade: 82%
Class Rank:
School Activities / Organizations: Boy Scout of the Phils - Assistant Patrol Leader Math Club-PRO

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